Dear Parishioners,
As you may have heard, the Archdiocese of Seattle requires all parishes to use PushPay for their online giving as our best practice going forward.
St. Pius X Parish has implemented Pushpay Giving. Please click below or PushPay Giving link to establish your credit card or ACH payments and
start donating with PushPay. It is a simple process to go through. Once you confirm payments, please cancel your OSV Giving and use PushPay only.
If you have any questions, click here for the FAQ on PushPay.
If you need help setting up, please call the office at 425-775-7545, and we will walk you through the process. We will also have a video instruction.
Cancel OSV Giving at:
Enroll in PushPay Giving at:
On behalf of St. Pius X, thank you for your generous gifts and donation to our church and its ministries. We are blessed to have your support. Through your donation, we can continue to do God's mission.