En St. Pius trabajamos en colaboración con los padres para enseñar a los niños nuestra fe católica. Como primeros educadores de la Fe, los padres también deben asistir a una clase de Formación de la Fe para Padres Adultos. Esto ayudará a los padres a seguir creciendo en su fe y les brindará las herramientas necesarias para seguir enseñando a sus hijos en casa.
Our Faith Formation Program prepares children in grades 1st – 5th to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Following the guidelines of the Seattle Archdiocese, children are required to attend two years of formation.
The program runs from September through May. Classes are held on Monday nights from 6:30pm -7:30pm at St. Pius X School.
The Parent Classes are held at the same time as the classes for the kids in a separate location.
If your child is in middle school or high school and has not yet received these sacraments, they are required to attend their corresponding Youth Group Sacramental Program. More information can be found in our Youth Ministry page:
If your child has not been baptized and is older than 7 years of age, he/she will be required to enroll in the Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted for Children (RCIC). This program is for elementary school children.
First Year Faith Formation: Filled out Registration Form and fee. Cash or check only please.
Second Year/ Sacramental Prep: Filled out Registration Form, fee and baptismal certificate. All three must be turned in at time of registration.
Middle School/ High School Youth Sacramental Programs: Fill out Registration Form and register for corresponding youth group here
RCIC: Registration Form, fee and birth certificate. A sponsor or godparent is required for each child. Sponsors or godparents are required to be practicing Catholics in good standing 18 years and older. Sponsors or parents are required to fill out a form that states they are practicing Catholics and a baptismal certificate with annotations.